

   * Sets the From email address for the message.
   * @var string
  var $From              = 'test@test.com';

   * Method to send mail: ("mail", "sendmail", or "smtp").
   * @var string
  var $Mailer            = 'smtp';

   * Sets the SMTP hosts.  All hosts must be separated by a
   * semicolon.  You can also specify a different port
   * for each host by using this format: [hostname:port]
   * (e.g. "smtp1.example.com:25;smtp2.example.com").
   * Hosts will be tried in order.
   * @var string
  var $Host        = 'smtp.gmail.com';

   * Sets the default SMTP server port.
   * @var int
  var $Port        = 465;

   * Sets connection prefix.
   * Options are "", "ssl" or "tls"
   * @var string
  var $SMTPSecure = "tls";

   * Sets SMTP authentication. Utilizes the Username and Password variables.
   * @var bool
  var $SMTPAuth     = true;

   * Sets SMTP username.
   * @var string
  var $Username     = 'test@test.com';

   * Sets SMTP password.
   * @var string
  var $Password     = 'testtest';
// Set to use PHP's mail()